01 JAN 2025 by ideonexus
Cultural Preservation is an Ongoing Effort
“Historical oblivion is the default, not the exception” to the human record, writes game designer Jordan Mechner in his contribution to this report.13 Be it natural elements like fire or water, negligent or intentional people, or simple forgetfulness, practically all human expression will disappear or change without human intervention. Only through acts of repair and digitization will materials such as a grandmother’s cookbook, a groundbreaking game ahead of its time, or endangered lang...06 JUL 2024 by ideonexus
Games Do Not Model/Simulate, but are a Business
This is how the world appears to game design: There are dependent and independent variables. Designers, through trial and error, will work out which are which. They will choose cultural, business and technical options that maximize long term advantages. If it doesn’t work out, they will do it over. Time is essentially of a piece. It is homogenous, but it can be divided into equivalent units, just like space. Civilization III models not so much ‘civilization’, as the game design business...Folksonomies: gamespace
Folksonomies: gamespace
06 JUL 2024 by ideonexus
Being "Good" At a Game Means Internalizing It's Algorithms
The gamer is not really interested in faith, although a heightened rhetoric of faith may fill the void carved out of the soul by the insinuations of gamespace. The gamer’s God is a game designer. He implants in everything a hidden algorithm. Faith is a matter of the intelligence to intuit the parameters of this geek design and score accordingly. All that is righteous wins; all that wins is righteous. To be a loser or a lamer is the mark of damnation. When you are a gamer, you are left with ...Folksonomies: critical theory gaming
Folksonomies: critical theory gaming
27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Break the Rules of a Game to Improve it
In The Well-Played Game, Bernard DeKoven advocates a fundamental adjustment in players' attitudes towards the rules of a game: You're not changing the game for the sake of changing it. You're changing it for the sake of finding a game that works. Once this freedom is established, once we have established why we want to change a game and how we go about it, a remarkable thing happens to us: We become the authorities. No matter what game we create, no matter how well we are able to play it,...Folksonomies: gameplay
Folksonomies: gameplay
Like adding a push-your-luck component to Candyland or how SFR took Dragon Dice and refactored the rules to make it work.
10 FEB 2018 by ideonexus
Agency in Game Creation VS Game Play
Game design has been referred to as an art, and it is for the designers, calling upon all their powers of imaginative and creative production. For the child user, however, game play is not an art, but more of a sport. What we're talking about here is the difference between the free-form activity of pretend play and soccer on the playground or in organized leagues. In the first, child-determined goals and constraints respond or in organized leagues. In the first, child-determined goals and con...10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus